The Ultimate Guide To Revit Lighting
Follow this guide and save yourself hours of research and wasted work
Putting lights into a Revit project and documenting them should be easy, but somehow it isn't.
There are many reasons for this but the main one is that everyone builds light families in different ways, which means they behave differently from each other.
This leads to bad user experiences, inconsistent results and general loss of productivity
In this guide, you'll learn:
1. How to Create Great Revit Lighting Families
2. The 8 Principles Of Great Revit Light Families
3. Our Recommended Methodology For Building Lighting Families
4. Tips On Using IES Files
5. Tips On Using Revit Spaces
6. Our Thoughts On Rendering
7. How To Re-Purpose Manufacturers Lighting Families
8. Summary
RevitWorks families and libraries are logical, intuitive, and easy-to-use. They are a smart way to save time and increase the efficiency of the output. Architects, BIM managers and consultants, as well as documenters, give RevitWorks their best reviews. Download free preview versions here or schedule a call with Grant & Alex to discuss your requirements.
Grant Taylor
Alex Page
Grant Taylor and Alex Page are the founders/directors of RevitWorks Ltd. We have over 55 years combined experience in documentation, developing documentation processes and training within the construction industry.
We started using Revit within real-world projects in 2003. When we craft our RevitWorks content we consider the whole process that BIM requires; from preliminary design to completed documentation and ensuring data can be reused to benefit the whole BIM team.
Our primary motivation is to create products that enhance the working practice of all Revit users.
If you'd like to put the power of RevitWorks to work in your business, book a time to chat with Alex or Grant by clicking the button below.
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